Measuring Smarter - Part 01

Front Deskers performed around 1500 manual compliance checks if they helped 10 customers.

More metrics.

Measuring smarter is, in one way, reliant on the State: real world compliance scores. (We just got 'em 2 weeks ago!)

Another is the reduction in potential points of error (POEs), a term I made up and for which an established, centuries old single syllable superior term exists, no doubt.

Before the tool, one of the existing solution's components was an 86 point checklist with other supporting components with multiple steps needed to answer single checklist items.

To answer a single point, for example, one may have to look in an Excel spreadsheet, one or two Google sheets (yep, both flavors), and/or physical file folders which might not be in the office.

Within 2 minutes, Front Desk folks could make over 125 mistakes.

By the end of the day, using the original toolkit and workflow — some with manual math problems built in like calculating the number of weeks between now and a half birthday, for example — Front Deskers performed around 1500 manual compliance checks if they helped 10 customers.

That's 7500 potential errors a week. And exhausting. And terrifying because your screw-ups close the company.

Now, with the tool, most[^1] data entry and results compliance checks happen automatically.

Front Desk needs to ask a single question, When did you last have an exam? (And that's a customer service question, not compliance.)

[^1]: Working on all.