Slow, Growing Pain

The old procedures hurt and it makes perfect sense why.

The old procedures hurt and it makes perfect sense why.

As with the frog in the cool water coming to a boil, the old procedures evolved unknowingly past the point of standard pain.

At the beginning — and we're on version 3.6 of the paper document — a note or two helped.

Every — and I mean every — mistake by anyone ever became a new checkbox or field on the paper document.

All 86 items on the paper checklist and the multiple spreadsheets used to calculate some of these answers spawned from a single human error.

Did I mention it was a paper document which had zero direct impact on the final product?

You cannot copy and paste from paper to a keyboard.

The old guard plowed through the procedures with gritted determination like settlers with a broken axle and 240 miles to go in 12 days.

Because I love M&W, and I default assume I'm a rube, I plowed through training without asking: Why is this so painful?

One day M popped around the corner with sheets in each hand and his normally well contained frustration boiled over.

"It's right here and wrong here!" In one hand, a handwritten, 86 point checklist, correct, and a TPS Cover Sheet, incorrect and a violation.

The zero-direct-impact issue triggered him.

As I said, I watched someone fine wash out.

I started coding by then, and if I were more efficient I may have saved this good person's job.

This hurt.

The Engineering Department came online in my mind.